A course on digital libraries and building digital collections.
View the Project on GitHub jawalsh/z652-Digital-Libraries-FA24
You will build a digital collection with CollectionBuilder to gain competence with CollectionBuilder and integrate and demonstrate knowledge and skills of digitization and metadata for digital collections.
You are the digital projects librarian at a small liberal arts college. The library is evaluating CollectionBuilder as a platform for showcasing digitized collections from the college’s libraries and special collections. You have been asked to created a prototype collection in CollectionBuilder to demonstrate and report on the framework’s capabilities.
Develop a prototype CollectionBuilder site that meets the following criteria:
Based on your experience implementing this prototype collection, submit a short memo (no more than 2 single-spaced pages) to library administrators and senior IT staff advising them about the pros and cons of CollectionBuilder as a platform for showcasing your college’s digital collections and making a recommendation about whether to move forward with implementing CollectionBuilder for your college. See “How to Write a Memo” for some helpful guidance.
Submit a 5-7 minute video presentation of about your final project posted to the “Final Project Presentation” discussion. In your video presentation you should
Your presentation must not exceed 7 minutes.
In Canvas, submit: