Z652 Digital Libraries, Fall 2024, Section 3621

A course on digital libraries and building digital collections.

View the Project on GitHub jawalsh/z652-Digital-Libraries-FA24

Rubric for Z652 Digital Libraries final project: Digital collection, short report, and video presentation

C Grade

For a grade of C your prototype must be complete and competent and demonstrate your ability to implement a collection using CollectionBuilder.

B Grade

For a grade of B your prototype must be complete and competent, demonstrate your ability to implement a collection using CollectionBuilder, and include advanced metadata features beyond simple Dublin Core.

A Grade

For a grade of A your prototype must be complete and competent, demonstrate your ability to implement a collection on the CollectionBuilder framework, include advanced metadata features beyond simple Dublin Core, and demonstrate—in the writing and presentation—a level of professionalism matching a typical high-quality online collection published by an academic library.