Rubric for Z652 Digital Libraries final project: Digital collection, short report, and video presentation
C Grade
For a grade of C your prototype must be complete and competent and demonstrate your ability to implement a collection using CollectionBuilder.
- Complete all the assignment components outlined in the Final Project Assignment.
- CollectionBuilder site with 24 objects, appropriate metadata, and contextual page(s).
- evaluation memo
- presentation video
B Grade
For a grade of B your prototype must be complete and competent, demonstrate your ability to implement a collection using CollectionBuilder, and include advanced metadata features beyond simple Dublin Core.
- The standards for the C grade are met;
- Digital files are of professional quality and free from obvious defects (e.g., they are not crooked or out of focus);
- Additional metadata fields describing the specific content of your collection are implemented;
- Relevant existing controlled vocabularies and content standards and/or project-specific controlled vocabularies and content standards are used;
- Your report to library administrators and senior IT staff and your video presentation are thoughtful and supported by specifics and details from your experience working with CollectionBuilder.
A Grade
For a grade of A your prototype must be complete and competent, demonstrate your ability to implement a collection on the CollectionBuilder framework, include advanced metadata features beyond simple Dublin Core, and demonstrate—in the writing and presentation—a level of professionalism matching a typical high-quality online collection published by an academic library.
- The standards for the B grade are met;
- Your collection makes use of CollectionBuilder’s “Feature Includes” to add additional features and functionality. See
- An “About” page is included with a summary of the staff (you), acknowledgments of those who contributed to the project; the technical and metadata standards used in the collection; and any applicable rights and use information;
- Writing and video presentation are clear and professional and error free;
- Memo follows standard memo conventions.
- Video presentation does not exceed 7 minutes.
- The introductory page(s), exhibit(s), and any other contextual information go beyond providing minimal background information and presentation of facts, demonstrate more extensive research and thoughtfulness about the content, and attempt to tell a story with and about the content.