Z652 Digital Libraries, Fall 2024, Section 3621

A course on digital libraries and building digital collections.

View the Project on GitHub jawalsh/z652-Digital-Libraries-FA24

Rubric: Final Project Proposal

Element Score
Responses are included to all eight items in the form. Examples of relevant projects and resources are identified, and their relevance is explained. Details about available metadata, if any, are included. An informed assessment of copyright status is provided.
4 3 2 1
Clarity and Detail
Description and discussion of project, significance, audience, personal interest, and any additional issues and concerns is specific and detailed. Avoid vague generalizations (“I’ve always liked her work” or “I’ve studied this topic for a long time.”).

In discussion of content, provide specific numbers of items, pages, photographs, minutes of audio or video recordings, etc.

In discussion of copyright status, refer to specific copyright holders, dates, etc.
4 3 2 1
Professionalism and Presentation
Document is formatted properly, with a clean, coherent design and organization; clear headings; meaningful use of typography; and free from distracting grammar, typographical, mechanical, word choice, punctuation, and spelling errors.
4 3 2 1