Z652 Digital Libraries, Fall 2024, Section 3621

A course on digital libraries and building digital collections.

View the Project on GitHub jawalsh/z652-Digital-Libraries-FA24

Metadata Crosswalking XSLT Lab

Oxygen help on creating XML transformations with XSLT is available at https://www.oxygenxml.com/doc/versions/22.1/ug-editor/topics/xml-transformation-with-xslt.html.

  1. Download some TEI/XML source files from Brevier Legistlative Reports (http://dlib.indiana.edu/collections/law/brevier/). Bulk download of IU TEI files also available at https://github.com/iulibdcs/tei_text.

  2. Transform the TEI files to MODS in Oxygen using the tei2mods_Brevier.xsl XSLT file. 

  3. Transform your MODS files to Dublin Core in Oxygen using the mods2dc.xsl XSLT file. 

  4. ADVANCED (optional): Figure out how to do bulk transformation of XML documents in Oxygen. Hint: You will want to create a “project,” and add your XML files to the project. Then review the “Batch Transformation” section in Oxygen help.