A course on digital libraries and building digital collections.
View the Project on GitHub jawalsh/z652-Digital-Libraries-FA24
Some sample image commands
magick identify image.tif
magick image.tif image.jpg
magick -quality 80 image.tif image.jpg
magick image.tif -scale 50% image.jpg
magick image.tif -type Grayscale image.jpg
magick image.tif -resize 1000 image.png
magick image.tif -resize x1000 image.png
magick image.jpg -crop 800x800+1000+1000 crop.jpg
magick image.jpg -scale 25% -crop 300x300+500+500 crop.jpg
magick old.jpg -modulate 150,100,100 new.jpg
The above command increases brightness 150%. To decrease brightness, use values less than 100.
The 3 numbers represent: brightness, saturation, and hue. They are all interpreted as percentages.
magick image.png -bordercolor red -border 1 border.png
and rotate_right.tiff
images so you have an image file with just the title panel: