A course on digital libraries and building digital collections.
View the Project on GitHub jawalsh/z652-Digital-Libraries-FA24
Your Name:
Project Name:
Describe your project.
Describe the significance of this project. Will this project complement or enhance other existing resources? Include links to related and complementary resources.
Describe the target audience(s) for this project, current and potential users.
Describe types (media) of materials to be digitized and the number of each type (e.g. 12 letters (31 pages total); 14 photographs; 1 audio tape). Include format, condition, and any special handling requirements.
If the items to be digitized are held by an institution (e.g., IU Libraries, IU Archives of Traditional Music, Monroe County Historical Society), explain your collaboration and agreement with the institution for conducting this project.
Do you have any existing descriptive information (i.e., metadata) that could be used for searching these materials? What descriptive information do you currently have (e.g., title, creator, date)? In what form does this descriptive information exist (on paper, in a Word document, in an Excel file, etc.)
Describe your personal interest in and possible contribution to this project.
Other general comments, issues or concerns.
Indicate copyright status. Please refer to Cornell’s Copyright Information Center (https://copyright.cornell.edu/ and especially https://copyright.cornell.edu/publicdomain) for information to help you determine the copyright status of your materials. Below, please explain your understanding of the copyright status of the material.
Copyright explanation: