Z652 Digital Libraries, Fall 2024, Section 3621

A course on digital libraries and building digital collections.

View the Project on GitHub jawalsh/z652-Digital-Libraries-FA24

Metadata and Functional Requirements Lab Part II

In this lab, we’ll be practicing the following:

  1. analyzing potential context, content, and users
  2. creating functional requirements for a digital library
  3. creating a MAP for metadata creation
  4. following documentation to create metadata
  5. creating good documentation

Part II (in class September 27; due 11:59pm October 1)

You will receive the prototype MAP of another person from the group opposite yours.

Using this MAP, you will be creating metadata for the four items in the opposite group’s folder and peer reviewing your classmate’s prototype MAP.


  1. Read through the MAP prototype you’ve been given
  2. Download the items for the MAP’s group (should be listed at the top of the MAP and the opposite of your group).
  3. Using the instructions for the metadata fields and the example record, create metadata in a CSV file for the four items that are not already described by the example record.
    • Name your columns based on the metadata field names
    • 1 row = 1 record
  4. After creating the metadata, respond to the following questions to provide constructive criticism for your peer:
    • What was particularly helpful about this documentation? (e.g., organization, layout, wording of instructions, etc.)
    • What parts of the documentation need more clarification/explanation? Were there any points were you were confused?
    • Any other suggestions for improvement
  5. Finally, write a short reflection (100-150 words) about your experience writing documentation and interpreting someone else’s documentation.

What to turn in

  1. CSV file with metadata for the four items
  2. Markdown file with response to peer-review questions (do not put your name on this!)
  3. Markdown file with reflection on writing documentation