Z652 Digital Libraries, Fall 2024, Section 3621

A course on digital libraries and building digital collections.

View the Project on GitHub jawalsh/z652-Digital-Libraries-FA24

Metadata Application Profile

Full draft due Oct. 04 at 11:59pm, final draft due Oct. 18 at 11:59pm

For this assignment, you will be designing the metadata application profile for your final project. The specified fields will include required CollectionBuilder fields, including required fields for visualization, optional CollectionBuilder fields that you are using for your project, and any custom fields that you create for your collection.

The application profile will consist of the following parts:

  1. Description of context, content, users, and functional requirements
  2. Selection and description of elements (fields) to be used for your project.

General guidelines

  1. The format and presentation of your Metadata Application Profile must be clear, readable, and well organized. You may a) consult the examples found in Chapter 12 of Miller’s Metadata for Digital Collections and in “Metadata Application Profiles, Records, Functionality, and Quality Examples.” from the companion website to Miller’s book, b) search the internet for alternate examples, or c) create your own structure and formatting.
    NOTE: If you adapt an existing format for documentation, you must credit that inspiration and you should tailor it to your use case so that it makes sense. Remember that adapting it will involve removing or adding parts of the example’s documentation since they were not written to fulfill the guidelines of this assignment.
  2. For any controlled vocabularies or syntax encoding schemes you plan on using, be sure to provide a link to the relevant resource.
  3. There is no minimum or maximum length on this assignment. The goal is to describe and explain the functional requirements for your metadata based on the context, content, and users of the digital collection, and then provide clear documentation about the metadata application profile deriving from those functional requirements. Use whatever space and formatting you feel best in order to make your application profile clear to the reader.

Description of context, content, users, and functional requirements

Give an analysis of the context, content, and users of your digital resources and to develop a set of functional requirements for the metadata for those resources. You may want to look at the steps outlined in this Chapter 12 of Miller’s Metadata for Digital Collections. This should be at least a paragraph, and you are welcome to use bullet points, tables, etc. for the functional requirements if it provides clarity for the reader.

You should also indicate in this section which metadata fields (each of which you will describe further in the second section) fulfill each specific functional requirement.

Selection and description of elements

Select, customize, and document an element set and element specifications that will meet those functional requirements and connect the intended users to the digital content in the organizational context.

Your element set must include:

For all fields specify:



Grading will follow a 2-phase process:

  1. Full draft: a full draft of this assignment with all of the parts indicated in these directions will be due Oct. 06 Oct. 4 at 11:59pm. These will be graded over the weekend and handed back on Oct. 9 Oct. 14 with a provisional grade.
  2. Final draft: a final draft of this assignment with all of the parts indicated in these directions and incorporating any feedback will be due Oct. 18 at 11:59 pm.

This assignment has a draft phase because documentation can be hard to write and metadata can be difficult to design. The goal is for you to think critically about what metadata will be best for your project based on your context, content, and users and to then document that metadata so that you or someone else can consistently and correctly create metadata according to your MAP. Therefore, you need the space to fail, flounder, and be creative—aka space to draft and revise. Think about what you learned in the cookbook MAP assignment.