Z652 Digital Libraries, Fall 2024, Section 3621

A course on digital libraries and building digital collections.

View the Project on GitHub jawalsh/z652-Digital-Libraries-FA24

Controlled Vocabulary Lab

In groups of 2-3 (you may choose your groups), you will be researching controlled vocabularies. If you want to be strategic, look for controlled vocabularies that would potentially be useful to your prospective final projects.

Collectively, you need to identify and describe at least 4 controlled vocabularies.

For each vocabulary:

  1. Give a brief description of what the vocabulary describes (e.g., the TGM is used to describe geographic places)
  2. State what kind of controlled vocabulary it is (list, synonym ring, taxonomy, or thesaurus)
  3. Describe how it might be applied to group member(s) projects or how it might be applied in a digital library context more generally. If it is applicable to multiple group members, describe its potential use in each project.
    • What fields could it be applied to in your projects? (e.g., TGM could be used to describe place of publication)
    • What potential functional requirements of your projects could it support? (e.g., users can browse by author if you use Library of Congress Name Authority Files or VIAF to determine the form of name)

When you’re finished, one group member should turn the assignment in to Canvas. Include names of all group members on submitted assignment.