Week 11: Data visualization lab
This week we will gain hands-on experience with some data visualization tools and create visualizations from comics-related data sets.
Weekly Learning Objectives
- articulate and explain fundamental concepts and principals of information visualization.
- explore and discuss the effectiveness of an information visualization.
- Use existing datasets and visualization tools to create information visualization.
- create data visualizations in Excel.
- create data visualizations in Tableau.
Define and identify the following terms
- visualization
- abstraction
- complexity
- representation
- design
Before class: Readings, resources, and tasks
- McCandless, D. (2010). The beauty of data visualization. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/david_mccandless_the_beauty_of_data_visualization
- Braun, S. (2019). Critically engaging with data visualization through an information literacy framework. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 012(4). https://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/12/4/000402/000402.html
- Shilling, J. (2022). A design process for dataviz. Nightingale. https://nightingaledvs.com/a-design-process-for-dataviz/
- Porter, D. (2022). (More) Books of Hours as Transformative Works. Dot Porter Digital (personal blog). http://www.dotporterdigital.org/more-books-of-hours-as-transformative-works/
- Look at three types of graphs on From Data to Viz (For discussion leaders, does not need to be included on summary sheet)
- Install Microsoft Excel (see https://iuware.iu.edu/).
- Create a Tableau account, and install Tableau.
- You will have to verify your student status.
In class
- Course evaluations
- Discussion
- Presentation of data manipulation, pivot tables, and visualization in Excel
- Presentation of visualization in Tableau
- Completion of labs; labs due to Canvas Week 10 Lab assignment