Z616 Comic Books and Their Readers, Spring 2025

Digital and Empirical Methods for Studying Readership and Fandom.

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Week 9: Text analysis lab


Today we will spend the class period using and experimenting with text analysis tools we learned about before the break.

Explore a text corpus using the text analysis tools we have learned about in class (Voyant, AntConc, Mallet), or other tools you may have found on your own. You may use your own text corpus that you may be assembling for your final project, the Amazing Spider-Man fanmail (“The Spider’s Web”) corpus, or another set of texts available on the Web. You may work alone or in small groups of two or three.

Another possible activity is to view your Mallet topic model results in Excel or another spreadsheet program and experiment with creating charts or visualizations of the data. If you are having difficulty installing or running Mallet on your computer, you may use these pre-generated topic models.

Weekly Learning Objectives

  • explore one or more text corpora using a one or more text anlaysis tools
  • acquire hands on experience with one or more text analysis tools

Before class: Readings, resources, and tasks

  • review tools, readings, and tutorials from last week.
  • prepare, for use in class, a text corpus relevant to your final project or another corpus of interest.

In class

With your own texts related to your final project or with the text corpora below, spend the class period exploring the texts with any or all of the tools listed below and sharing your findings with me and your fellow students.

Text Analysis Tools

Other text corpora