Z616 Comic Books and Their Readers, Spring 2025

Digital and Empirical Methods for Studying Readership and Fandom.

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Final Project Proposal

Submit an proposal, of approximately 300-500 words, in which outline your plans for your final project. Your proposal should include:

  1. tentative title;
  2. summary content, corpus, or data set A summary of the content and/or data set(s) that you will be examining (e.g., fan mail published in The Fantastic Four, January 1973 - December 1978);
  3. research questions The research questions you plan to explore through your analysis;
  4. methodology The methods you will apply to analyze your content and/or data set(s) (e.g., close reading and content analysis, computational text analysis, topic modeling, ethnography, etc.);
  5. deliverables A description of the product that you will turn in for the final project. Since you have a lot of flexibility in choosing both the topic and the format of your final project, you need to describe the form or genre of your final project (e.g., research paper, blog post, data paper, critical digital collection).

Submit your proposal as a PDF or Word document in Canvas.

Example final project ideas

The list below draws from topics, methods, and examples discussed in class…

  • an ethographic study of shoppers, readers, fans at a local comic book store.
  • an autho-ethnographic study of your own particpation in a fandom or pop-culture-related subculture.
  • a content analysis of fanzines (for instance from Monroe County Public Library’s circulating fanzine collection, The Fanac Fan History Project, or eFanzines.com: Science fiction fanzines online).
  • a content analysis of fan mail to a comic book or fanzine.
  • a computational analysis of a large corpus of comic book fanmail.
  • a content analysis of comics- or fandom-related social media content.
  • a computational analysis of comics- or fandom-related social media content.
  • a critical digital collection on a topic related to comics or comic book fandom implemented with CollectionBuilder. See Comic Book Paratexts.