Z604/Z672 Comic Books and Their Readers, Spring 2023

Digital and Empirical Methods for Studying Readership and Fandom.

View the Project on GitHub jawalsh/z604-z672-comic-books-and-their-readers

Z604/Z672 Comic Books and Their Readers

Digital and Empirical Methods for Studying Readership and Fandom
Spring 2023

12:40 - 15:45 Wednesday, Ballantine Hall (BH) 118

Instructor: Associate Professor John A. Walsh, jawalsh@indiana.edu.
Office Hours: Monday 3pm - 4:30pm and by appointment.

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Cover of Pep #150 (Archie Comics, October 1961

Your participation grade is based on regular, on-time attendance and active participation in online and in-class discussions. Your participation grade will be calculated as an average of your grade for each individual class session and online discussion. Unexcused absences and frequent tardiness will count against your participation grade.

Online Participation

For each online discussion/activity:

In-Class Participation