Z604/Z672 Comic Books and Their Readers, Spring 2023

Digital and Empirical Methods for Studying Readership and Fandom.

View the Project on GitHub jawalsh/z604-z672-comic-books-and-their-readers

Z604/Z672 Comic Books and Their Readers

Digital and Empirical Methods for Studying Readership and Fandom
Spring 2023

12:40 - 15:45 Wednesday, Ballantine Hall (BH) 118

Instructor: Associate Professor John A. Walsh, jawalsh@indiana.edu.
Office Hours: Monday 3pm - 4:30pm and by appointment.

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Final Project Proposal

Submit an proposal, of approximately 300-500 words, in which outline your plans for your final project. Your proposal should include:

Submit your proposal as a PDF or Word document in Canvas.