
Data Dictionary

A data dictionary for “The Personal library and presumed reading of Algernon Charles Swinburne” data file: swinburne_library.xml.

Name Element or Attribute Xpath Description
Rare Book Terminology <div n="glossary"> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='glossary'] Glossary of rare book terms used within Swinburne’s and Watts-Dunton’s auction catalogs
Rare Book Terminology Term Name <label> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='glossary']/list//label Term name for terms in the Rare Book Terminology
Rare Book Terminology Term description <item> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='glossary']/list//item Term description for terms in the Rare Book Terminology
Place names authority list <div n="places"> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='places'] Authority records to places referenced in <pubPlace> within the bibliographic entries
Place record <place> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='places']/listPlace//place Contains all elements and attributes for the authority record of a place.
TGN reference @source /TEI/text/front/div[@n='places']/listPlace/place/@source Contains a URL to the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) record for that place.
Place identifier @xml:id /TEI/text/front/div[@n='places']/listPlace/place/@xml:id Contains a unique reference for that place to be referenced by @ref in
Place name <placeName> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='places']/listPlace/place/placeName Name for place found in the <pubPlace> of the <biblStruct> elements. If a place is referenced in multiple ways, <place> will have multiple <placeName> child elements.
Preferred place name <placeName type="preferred"> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='places']/listPlace/place/placeName/@type="preferred" Indicates that the with the attribute is the preferred place name. This is equivalent to the [TGN](https://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabularies/tgn/)'s preferred English name.
Authors, Editors, and other intellectual contributors <div n="authors"> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='authors'] Authority records to authors, editors, and other intellectual contributors referenced within the bibliographic entries.
Author, editor, contributor record <person> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='authors']/listPerson/person Contains all elements and attributes for the authority record of an author, editor, or other intellectual contributor
Author, editor, contributor identifier @xml:id /TEI/text/front/div[@n='authors']/listPerson/person/@xml:id Unique reference for that person to be referenced by @corresp in <bibl> or <biblStruct>
Name of author, editor, contributor <persName> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='authors']/listPerson/person/persName Name of the person, copied from LCNAF or VIAF (VIAF only used if LCNAF unavailable). If no LCNAF or VIAF is available, it is formatted as Last Name(s), First Name(s)
LCNAF or VIAF reference @source /TEI/text/front/div[@n='authors']/listPerson/person/persName/@source URL for the LCNAF or VIAF record, if one is available
Birth year <birth> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='authors']/listPerson/person/birth Element referencing birth year of person
Death year <death> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='authors']/listPerson/person/death Element referencing death year of person
Floruit years <floruit> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='authors']/listPerson/person/floruit Element referencing period of activity of person
Year reference @when /TEI/text/front/div[@n='authors']/listPerson/person/birth|death|floruit/@when W3C four-digit year reference to date to facilitate computational processing. BCE years are represented via negative numbers.
Beginning year reference @from /TEI/text/front/div[@n='authors']/listPerson/person/birth|death|floruit/@from W3C four-digit year reference to beginning year of a period to facilitate computational processing. BCE years are represented via negative numbers.
Ending year reference @to /TEI/text/front/div[@n='authors']/listPerson/person/birth|death|floruit/@to W3C four-digit year reference to ending year of a period to facilitate computational processing. BCE years are represented via negative numbers.
Publishers and printers <div n="publishers"> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers'] Authority records to publishers and printers within the bibliographic entries.
Publishers and printers (organizations) <listOrg> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listOrg Authority records of organizations acting as printers or publishers referenced in the bibliographic entries
Publisher/printer organization record <org> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listOrg/org Contains all elements and attributes for the authority record of an organization acting as publisher/printer.
Publisher/printer organization identifier @xml:id /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listOrg/org/@xml:id Unique reference for that organization to be referenced by @corresp in <bibl> or <biblStruct>
Name of publisher/printer (organization) <orgName> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listOrg/org/orgName Name of the organization, copied from LCNAF or VIAF (VIAF only used if LCNAF unavailable). If no LCNAF available, it is formatted as written in the book it appears in.
LCNAF or VIAF reference @source /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listOrg/org/orgName/@source URL for the LCNAF or VIAF record, if one is available
Publishers and printers (individuals) <listPerson> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listPerson Authority records of individuals acting as printers or publishers referenced in the bibliographic entries
Publisher/printer individual record <person> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listPerson/person Contains all elements and attributes for the authority record of an author, editor, or other intellectual contributor
Publisher printer individual identifier @xml:id /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listPerson/person/@xml:id Unique reference for that person to be referenced by @corresp in <bibl> or <biblStruct>
Name of publisher/printer (individual) <persName> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listPerson/person/persName Name of the person, copied from LCNAF or VIAF (VIAF only used if LCNAF unavailable). If no LCNAF or VIAF is available, it is formatted as Last Name(s), First Name(s)
LCNAF or VIAF reference @source /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listPerson/person/persName/@source URL for the LCNAF or VIAF record, if one is available
Birth year <birth> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listPerson/person/birth Element referencing birth year of person
Death year <death> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listPerson/person/death Element referencing death year of person
Floruit years <floruit> /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listPerson/person/floruit Element referencing period of activity of person
Year reference @when /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listPerson/person/birth|death|floruit/@when W3C four-digit year reference to date to facilitate computational processing. BCE years are represented via negative numbers.
Beginning year reference @from /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listPerson/person/birth|death|floruit/@from W3C four-digit year reference to beginning year of a period to facilitate computational processing. BCE years are represented via negative numbers.
Ending year reference @to /TEI/text/front/div[@n='publishers']/listPerson/person/birth|death|floruit/@to W3C four-digit year reference to ending year of a period to facilitate computational processing. BCE years are represented via negative numbers.
Full-text source controlled vocabulary entry <category xml:id="termReference"><catDesc>Term</castDesc></category> /TEI/teiHeader/encodingDesc/classDecl/taxonomy[xml:id='full-text']/category Entry in the full-text source vocabulary. The value of the @xml:id provides the ID to be referenced by the @corresp in (e.g., “ia"); `` spells out the source's name (e.g., “Internet Archive", “HathiTrust").
Bibliographic features controlled vocabulary entry <category xml:id="termReference"><catDesc>Term</castDesc></category> /TEI/teiHeader/encodingDesc/classDecl/taxonomy[xml:id='biblFeatures']/category Entry in the bibliographic features vocbulary. The value of the @xml:id provides the ID to be referenced by the @corresp in <note type="description"> (e.g., “uncut”) or <edition> (e.g., “first_ed”; <catDesc> gives the term for the bibliographic feature (e.g., “uncut pages,” “first edition”)
Swinburne relationship controlled vocabulary entry <category xml:id="termReference"><catDesc>Term</castDesc></category> /TEI/teiHeader/encodingDesc/classDecl/taxonomy[xml:id='relatSwinburne']/category Entry in the vocabulary listing the various relationships books have with Swinburne. The value of the @xml:id provides the ID to be referenced by the @corresp in <biblStruct> or <bibl> (e.g., “owned”; <catDesc> gives the term/description for the relationship (e.g., “owned by Swinburne”)
Swinburne auction catalogue <div source="#sales-catalogue-swinburne"> /TEI/text/body/div[@source="#sales-catalogue-swinburne"] Part of corpus consisting of bibliographic entries describing the books present in the auction catalogue of Swinburne’s library
Watts-Dunton auction catalogue <div source="#sales-catalogue-watts-dunton"> /TEI/text/body/div[@source="#sales-catalogue-watts-dunton"] Part of corpus consisting of bibliographic entries describing the books present in the auction catalogue of Watts-Dunton’s library that related to Swinburne in some manner.
Auction day <div type="day" n="NUMBER"> /TEI/text/body/div[@source='#sales-catalogue-swinburne' or @source='#sales-catalogue-watts-dunton']/div[@type='day' and @n='NUMBER'] Grouping of books that were sold on the same day within either the Swinburne or Watts-Dunton auction.
Size grouping <div type="size" n="FORMAT"> /TEI/text/body/div[@source='#sales-catalogue-swinburne' or @source='#sales-catalogue-watts-dunton']/div[@type='day' and @n='1']/div[@type='size' and @n='FORMAT'] Grouping of books of the same bibliographic format and sold on the same day within either the Swinburne or Watts-Dunton auction.
Lot <listBibl type="lot" xml:id="ID"> /TEI/text/body//div//listBibl Grouping of books belonging to the same lot in either the Swinburne or Watts-Dunton auction.
Best 100 Books list <div source="best-hundred-books"> /TEI/text/body/div[@source="#best-hundred-books"] Books not already referenced in the auction catalogues or provenance research but included in Swinburne’s list of one hundred best books published in Pall Mall Gazette.
Poetry-extracted books <div source="poetry"> /TEI/text/body/div[@source="#poetry"] Books not already referenced in the auction catalogues, Best 100 Books, or provenance research but referenced by Swinburne in his poetry.
Provenance research books <div source="libraries"> /TEI/text/body/div[@source="#libraries"] Books not present in the auction catalogues but that were owned by Swinburne as identified by the present repository’s catalog record.
Unstructured bibliographic entry <bibl xml:id="ID"> /TEI/text/body//bibl Bibliographic entries for which there is not sufficient bibliographic metadata to create a fully structured <biblStruct> entry.
Structured bibliographic entry <biblStruct xml:id="ID"> /TEI/text/body//biblStruct A book for which there is sufficient metadata to create a structured bibliographic entry.
Title <title> //biblStruct/monogr/title Title of book
Author <author> //biblStruct/monogr/author Author of book. When possible, contains @corresp with reference to the authority record in <div n="authors">.
Statement of responsibility <respStmt><resp>RESPONSIBILITY</resp><name>NAME</name></respStmt> //biblStruct/monogr/respStmt Other intellectual contributors to the book such as translators and editors. <resp> contains the description of their contribution (e.g., “edited by”) and <name> contains the name of the individual responsible.
Edition <edition> //biblStruct/monogr/edition Edition information. May contain @corresp referencing the bibliographic features vocabulary.
Descriptive note <note type="description"> //biblStruct/monogr/note[@type='description'] Additional descriptive information given in the auction catalogues that is not structured by other elements. May contain @corresp referencing the bibliographic features vocabulary.
Inscription <note type="inscription"> //biblStruct/monogr/note[@type='inscription'] Contains the text of an inscription in the book.
Quoted material <q> //biblStruct//q Quoted material in <note type="inscription">
Publisher <publisher> //biblStruct/monogr/imprint/publisher Publisher of book. When possible, contains @corresp with reference to the authority record in <div n="publishers">.
Place of publication <pubPlace> //biblStruct/monogr/imprint/pubPlace Place of publication. Contains @ref with reference to the authority record in <div n="place">
Publication date <date when="YYYY"/> //biblStruct/monogr/imprint/date/@when Date of publication.
Scope note <biblScope @unit="volume|page|number|part">RANGE</biblScope> //biblStruct/monogr/biblScope If Swinburne only owned/read a portion of a full work/edition, <biblScope> indicates the range of that portion. @unit indicates the unit (e.g., volume, page). The content of the element gives the range.
Quantity of multi-item set <extent><measure unit="volumes|parts|pages" quantity="NUMBER"></extent> //biblStruct/monogr/extent Records the extent of a multi-item set. @unit specifies the unit (e.g., volumes) and @quantity specifies how many of that unit.
Provenance information <note type="provenance" target="LibraryRecordURL">INSTITUTION</note> //biblStruct/note[@type='provenance'] Provides provenance information about where a book Swinburne owned is located now. @target contains the URL of a permalink to the institution’s catalog record. The content of the element is the name of the institution.
Series <series> //biblStruct/series Lists the series a book belonged to.
Linked Item <relatedItem type="full-text" corresp="#FullTextSourceID" target="ItemURL"/> //biblStruct//relatedItem Reference to a full-text version of the item. @corresp contains a reference to the full-text source controlled vocabulary, @target contains the URL of the item.
Linked Item note <note type="fulltext"> //biblStruct/note[@type='fulltext'] Note about the full-text provided. Often indicates if the full-text linked is not the edition owned by Swinburne.